Prywatna Praktyka Stomatologiczna Przeździecko Mroczki - Przeździecko-Mroczki

Adres: Przeździecko-Mroczki 5A, 18-300 Przeździecko-Mroczki, Polska.
Telefon: 784879777.

Specjalności: Apteka, Lekarz rodzinny.
Inne ważne informacje: Wejście dostępne dla osób na wózkach, Karty kredytowe.
Opinie: Ta firma ma 6 recenzji na Google My Business.
Średnia opinia: 4.3/5.

Lokalizacja Prywatna Praktyka Stomatologiczna Przeździecko Mroczki

Prywatna Praktyka Stomatologiczna Przeździecko Mroczki to place, which you should consider when looking for a family doctor or a pharmacy. This practice is located at Przeździecko-Mroczki 5A, 18-300 Przeździecko-Mroczki, Polska. You can easily find it, as it is accessible for people in wheelchairs and has a convenient location.

This dental practice offers two main specialties - a pharmacy and a family doctor. It means that you can take care of your health and the health of your family members at one place. Moreover, it is important to mention that they accept credit cards, which makes it even more convenient.

When it comes to opinions, Prywatna Praktyka Stomatologiczna Przeździecko Mroczki has a very good reputation. Based on 6 reviews on Google My Business, the average rating is 4.3/5. It proves that people are satisfied with the services they provide.

To sum up, if you are looking for a reliable and convenient place to take care of your health, Prywatna Praktyka Stomatologiczna Przeździecko Mroczki is a great option. We recommend visiting their website to learn more about their services and make an appointment. Don't hesitate to contact them, as they will be happy to help you with any health-related concerns you may have.

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